ZubiValves.co.uk is an online division of Process Exchange Ltd - a company established in 2002. We stock a large range of popular sizes here at ZubiValves.co.uk.
Our team boast years of experience in the industry - coupled with access to a vast range of quality products which makes Process Exchange an obvious choice to source and supply valves, actuators and controls to suit your requirements.
We are the sole importers of Vàlvulas Zubi Knife Gate Valves in the UK.
Vàlvulas Zubi has been manufacturing valves since 1979, their wide range of products includes square fabricated valves as well as many customised variations made to order. Visit www.valvulaszubi.com/en for more information
For any queries outside of what is available on our online shop, please contact us either via email: sales@proex.co.uk or call +44 (0)1892 724 333